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For residential areas where fleas are a problem every year you may want to consider a preventative treatment with an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). The IGR's have effectiveness for up to seven months. Consider applying the material in the mid to late spring (before the onset of the traditional flea season). The activity of the IGR will suppress the infestation by preventing the flea from completing its life cycle.

Thanks for proposing the option.

There is much debate over preventative treatments in an IPM program. Purists say no—never apply a pesticide until you find evidence via inspection and monitoring. Others believe that in a few cases, if the pesticide is least toxic (as IGRs are) the health benefits of prevention outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure.

I leave it up to everyone to know their site, their finances, their residents (including knowing if anyone has chemical sensitivities), and make a sound decision.

Whenever possible, remove the underlying cause of the problem instead of applying a pesticide. Perhaps some flea habitat could be eliminated with different landscaping?

Nice information! I agree that fleas are good "hitchhikers" . It happened to my dog, one day my dog went outside to play with other dogs, then the next day I saw a flea inside our house ! so I quickly check my dog and found out that my dog had several fleas with him!

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